Lanchkhuti Learning Space

College "Horizonti" is the only state vocational educational institution in the Guria region, successfully operating in all three municipalities of the region. Therefore, it can confidently be said that it is the main educational hub for locals, from where they begin their education, acquire new skills, and start their careers. The implementation of educational programs at the college is based on the demands of the private sector and the strategic development plans of the municipalities. In the Chokhatauri location, programs primarily focus on agriculture. As for the Lanchkhuti location, its construction was completed in 2022, and the college enrolled its first intake in the fall of 2023 for 7 vocational education programs.

Vocational Educational Programs at the Lanchkhuti Campus:

Lanchkhuti Educational Campus

  • Hairdressing Services - Level III
  • Electricity - Level III
  • Hotel Services (Integrated) - Level IV
  • Sewing Production - Level III
  • Web Technologies (Integrated) - Level IV
  • Preschool Education - Level V
  • Accounting - Level V